We use Neuro Emotional Technique in Beverly Hills with many conditions, like a persistent physical issue, or an “emotional block.” Here, we illustrate using Neuro Emotional Technique with a case of life-long constipation.

The Emotional Component of Constipation

Constipation’s cause is not as simple as a lack of fiber, or water. Many factors can influence constipation, or any other physical condition. My goal with my patients is to investigate those factors and take them apart layer by layer, step by step. There can be an emotional component to constipation, but you may have no idea it plays a role in your life. We use Neuro Emotional Technique as our way to diffuse that emotional component.

This is different than a psychological problem. There is no logic to the emotions. They are just feelings that can influence what you may be able to do, or not. They can be an unknown driving force with avoidance behaviors, or destructive behaviors that you don’t want in your life! Emotions want to be satisfied, even if you don’t want what they bring to you. They are stored in your body as a result of past experiences. No amount of talking-it-out will resolve this emotional component of your physiology. So, we want to identify if there is an emotional component to your condition. In this example of using Neuro Emotional Technique we consider constipation, especially after already addressing the other components of constipation.

Integrative Medicine Case Study: emotions and constipation

A patient told me she has had constipation since she was a child. She said her mother told her so. We addressed some of the physiological reasons that could be related to constipation such as hepatic-biliary function and thyroid function. We assessed dietary factors such as fluid intake and fiber. The influence of excess protein intake was minimal with her diet. I reviewed blood tests and already addressed the function of other organs that may influence bowel function, but constipation persisted. In our integrative medicine model of care, we had yet to explore constipation and emotions.

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)

NET is a university-studied integrative chiropractic method of correcting the emotional components of what could be a physical issue. I’ve been practicing NET for many years. Sometimes it even appears to be miraculous!

  • NET is only taught to practitioners with advanced health degrees
  • Peer reviewed, journal published studies back NET and its results

Using this non-invasive, non-psychological technique, we were able to identify a certain group of statements the patient would make, which showed a consistent, subtle altered physical response to the words she said. Those “semantic responses” were repeatable and consistent. Therefore, the patient chose to do the NET session to see if we could clear this thing up.

I will tell you the specifics of this particular session, but I want you to know something very clearly. This is a very personalized technique of finding the emotion and the associated event. We do this by using the semantic responses we had found for that individual patient. It will not be the same for anyone else, especially you!

When we use Neuro Emotional Technique, we find the statement where you have this same kind of altered physical response. You are making the statement, aloud. The words matter. Your particular situation will be different, and your starting point will also be different. There might not even be a physical symptom for you, except that your life is “on hold” to some degree. The purpose in telling the details of this particular session is to illustrate just how awesome NET can be. Her session means nothing in your own life, but then again, this is for illustrative purposes.

The words, the emotion, the event

The semantic responses were elicited with the statement “I’m ready to have an easy bowel movement.” Consistently, each time she said those words, there was an altered response from what we already knew was normal. We had already established a baseline for normal at the outset. Note, she did not have the semantic response to the statements: “I’m OK with having an easy bowel movement,” or “I want to have an easy bowel movement.” The words matter. We used similar statements, including “I’m ready to have more frequent bowel movements,” and she had the same altered response.

Through Neuro Emotional Technique we were able to identify the associated emotion. There are a lot of possibilities, but with NET we narrowed it down to one. This is not psychotherapy where the therapist would ask “what do you feel when you say those words?” There’s no similarity. There is no “talking-it-out.” Here, the body response is clear when we get to the right anatomical point and identify the correct emotion.

Identifying the key emotion is the basis for the great success we observe with this technique. For her, the responsive emotion was “defensive.” A defensive feeling. Here, we now use NET to find the “why,” and reveal when this feeling first appeared in her life. Through NET we found that as a 7 year old girl, she was sensitive to her mother’s defensive feeling about overly relocating. When she was seven her family moved to a different country. At age seven, it wasn’t even her own emotion, but she picked-up on that emotion through someone else’s feeling, and at some level experienced the emotion that way. And what does a seven year old do with an adult emotion like that? Push it down. Push it back. Try to help mom. All unconsciously.

Help To Let The Emotion Finish

Do you get what is happening here? Her mom wasn’t ready to move to a different country. Her mom felt defensive (the emotion) due to overly relocating. Mom’s lovely daughter (the patient) wanted to help her mom. It’s as if her unconscious was saying: I won’t move too much for you, mom. I know you’re not ready mom. I’ll help you mom.

We did the Neuro Emotional Technique correction (a physical correction) while she connected with the original feeling. The correction includes a specific sequence of taps on the spine while accessing the original emotion. We had to find the emotion, find the associated original event, and then do the correction in her spine. This is an integrative chiropractic technique.

For confirmation of her brain update (the brain changes), we retested how we got there in the first place. Now, there were no more altered “semantic responses” to the statements made before. “I’m ready to have an easy bowel movement.” Yes you are. “I’m ready to have more frequent bowel movements.” Yes, you are. “It’s safe for my mother when I have easy bowel movements” Yes, it is.

Someone reading this might get caught in the reaction of “this doesn’t make any sense.” That’s right. It is not logical, or psycho-logical. It is emotional, and emotions have no logic. Apparently, the patient’s body held-on and resisted “overly” moving. It controlled her bowel movements to illogically satisfy an emotion; all unconsciously, and even against her will. It was emotionally driven constipation. But now that emotion is finished, and is OK for her, and she is ready to have an easy bowel movement. And she is emotionally ready to safely move away from her condition, and move on.

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