integrative chiropractor, integrative medicine

Who practices integrative medicine in Beverly Hills? Does integrative chiropractic and functional medicine fill the need? Yes. Chiropractic is a unique discipline that emphasizes restoring the body’s inherent, potential recuperative power to heal from within, without using drugs or surgery. When you want natural integrative medicine, you want an integrative chiropractor.

Dr. Lieberman uses integrative chiropractic methods and lifestyle modifications to help you become healthy again. His method integrates the relationship of your brain, spine, and nervous system with all functions of your body. These strategies are paramount to him being a well-respected Beverly Hills chiropractor.

Integrative Medicine Beverly Hills

Integrative chiropractors start with understanding your health history to address your needs better. Non-invasive diagnostics include: feeling the spine by hand, kinesiology, muscle testing, flexibility, stability, and balance testing. Also, we may order traditional, or specialized blood tests to help you. As an integrative chiropractor in Beverly Hills, we correctly evaluate and understand your specific needs. Then, we can make the proper corrections, specific for you. Your integrative chiropractor can help you understand the best healthy choices for your lifestyle. Integrative medicine doctors don’t rely on suppressing symptoms, like in crisis care and disease management.

Impulse Adjusting Technique

Chiropractors correct the spine with a chiropractic adjustment or spinal alignment, which may be done in different ways. Sometimes it includes lightly tapping the spine; applying a directed movement with the spinal bones. Tapping on the spine with a chiropractic tapping device called an activator, arthrostim, or impulse adjusting instrument is a gentle way to adjust the spine. Dr. Lieberman uses various, gentle, integrative medicine methods, including the impulse adjusting technique.

Integrative physician assessments near Beverly Hills

A “subluxation” [Sub-lux-ay`-shun] is an overwhelm response by your body from either physical (mechanical), biochemical (environment, foods), or emotional stress. The typical response to that stress is a malfunctioning vertebra (spinal bone), and it is associated with nerve irritation. Nerve irritation is the key. Therefore, assessing it, reducing it, and assessing the roots of the nerve irritation is one way to help you.

Why may a subluxation (malfunctioning vertebra with associated nerve irritation) have far-reaching effects throughout the rest of your body? Because your nervous system (the master controlling system of your body) reaches all of your organs and tissues. Since there is an intimate relationship between the nervous system and the spinal vertebrae, a malfunctioning spinal vertebrae would negatively influence your nerves and your body.

The subluxation, or spinal malfunction, may result from multiple causes —but it also causes widespread problems and nerve irritation. Therefore, identifying and adjusting them are necessary to reduce and eliminate their repercussions! So, not only do you get a whole body assessment by going to an integrative chiropractor, you also reduce and eliminate your subluxations. This is a primary advantage compared to other types of physician assessments. Integrative chiropractors also determine the causes of the subluxation, and Dr. Lieberman has excellence in that field.

Dr. Lieberman sets himself apart with these strategies as an integrative, Beverly Hills chiropractor. He has an artisan ability to identify and correct the many possible causes of spinal subluxations—to restore wellness. Dr. Lieberman’s integrative Beverly Hills chiropractor skills get to the causes, not just the symptoms! Request an appointment today, to become healthy again.