fees and payment options  Beverly Hills, CA

Flexible Payment Options for 2025

1. We accept checks, credit cards, Flex-Pay, Flexible Spending, HSA, debit and cash.
2. Prepayment Savings option!
3. An easy, monthly payment plan.
4. CareCredit.
5. We will help you to use your insurance for reimbursement.

Price is what you Pay, Value is what you Get

Priceless healing: when we accomplish what you really need, as soon as your body will allow, safely, and without any harm. Your initial phone consultation is Free!

Nutrition Response Testing

Type First Visit Second Visit Subsequent Visits
Price $298 Variable* $138
  • Detailed discussion of your health history.
  • Chiropractic, Nutrition Response Testing and Kinesiology evaluation: This is an Initial, Extensive & Detailed Exam.
  • First half of your 2nd visit, to understand your findings, what it means, and any initial recommendations.
  • Review and Report of your Findings (as stated on first visit), no additional charge (this is the first part of the 2nd visit).
  • Therapeutic Component of 2nd Visit (second part of 2nd visit): depends on the service at that time.

*If we do another recommended procedure at that time, (e.g. a spinal alignment) it is charged separately.

  • Re-exam.
  • Therapeutic Component: Functional Medicine Plan: Clinically determining your optimal program of supplementation and Dietary/Lifestyle Guidelines

*Itemized costs may include supplements (varies by individual need). Blood tests, nutritional blood tests, or lab food allergy testing are at lab cost (you pay the lab).

Title Extended Visits Additional Procedures More Additional Procedures
Type Extra Time Extra Time Extra Time
Price $68 $68 $68
  • Extra time (any visit lasting more than 40 min.) every 20 minutes or part thereof (face-to-face with the doctor).
  • Additional procedures, which may include: reviewing lab results, checking additional supplements or foods that you may bring, or telephone consultations requiring clinical decision-making.
  • Review/Interpretation of Blood Test Results (2 or more pages): Comparison to Optimal Functional Ranges, as well as the conventional, wide Lab Ranges, with Functional Interpretation.

Chiropractic Spinal & Mind-Body Care

Type First Visit Subsequent Visits Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique Applied Chiropractic Neurology
Price $298 $138* $138* $138* $198
  • First visit: Free Consultation.
  • Initial Detailed Exam* (spinal evaluation and nutrition response testing).
  • Structural Chiropractic Adjustment* chiropractic: Detailed Evaluation at each visit, and Adjustment (Alignment).
  • Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET) or Allergy Clearing Technique
  • Revealing a Neuro-Emotional Complex, or Allergy.
  • Clearing the Neuro-Emotional Complex or Allergy with a spinal correction.
  • Analysis of the balance of your pelvis, lower limbs, and muscle tension.
  • “Light-Touch” Chiropractic technique/spinal/pelvic/nerve-tone correction (may be combined with other spinal techniques).
  • Extended Neurology Exam and cranial treatment (separate from other visit components).

House Calls

Type Initial Visit Subsequent Visits
Price $398 $238 + travel time
  • Initial visit as a new patient.
  • I do not recommend a house call as a routine thing.
  • House visit.
  • Travel Time is included in the extra time calculation. E.g., if my travel time is 20 minutes round-trip, that visit would be 238+ 68.


Type Initial Consultation: up to 15 minutes Detailed history and review of symptoms Subsequent Consultation
Price Free $298 $68
  • It is to determine if we should be working together: it may be done though email contact or brief phone consultation (15 min. or less).
  • After, you will receive your initial detailed questionnaire to complete and send back. With that, you should also send any relevant lab test results if you have already had lab tests.
  • Developing a full understanding of your individual condition and your initial recommendations.
  • May include recommendations for any additional lab tests and generally will include initial recommendations regarding supplementation and diet.
  • Clinical recommendations
  • 20 minutes or less.
  • Telephone consultations or skype/facetime/zoom.
  • Extra time applies.
*For payment at time of service only, a discount from our customary fees.
Supplementation and shipping charges are separate from consultation time.
NOTE: There is a surcharge of $1 (when your total = $100 or less) or $2 (>$100) for each credit card transaction. Add $1 surcharge for keypad entry (card not swiped). Add $6-$9 for transactions needing internet access. Fee for any reimbursement: 2.5 %.