holistic allergist, food allergy

When you are looking for the best holistic allergist near Beverly Hills, here are some things you should consider. For integrative allergy treatment near Beverly Hills, you want to include testing for toxins, mold, metals, perfumes, or plastics. A good holistic allergist will offer food allergy care, but also check for toxins.

Holistic Allergist

Ideally, you would want a holistic allergist to consider environmental toxins as well as food allergies. Many food intolerances, or “adverse reactions,” can be triggered by non-food toxin exposures. So, the symptoms may not even be classified as food allergies, but can mimic food allergies. Examples include: itching skin, eczema, skin outbreaks, brain fog, bloating after meals, indigestion, headaches, asthma, or migraines.

Food Allergy Testing

We start with an allergy testing method that is non-invasive and comfortable. We have an effective holistic method of kinesiology testing to help investigate the roots of your allergies or allergy-like symptoms. Our unique applied kinesiology testing method is not a blood test. There are no needles. It helps us narrow and expand the field of what needs further investigation. So, we may order specialized allergy blood tests after your second visit, such as the food allergy tests available through Cyrex Labs. The Cyrex tests can check for immune intolerance to foods. There are also cellular food sensitivity tests. “LRA by ELISA/ACT testing is a cell culture done on a sample of whole blood.

Holistic Allergy Testing

Conventional blood tests and skin allergy testing can miss many factors. That’s why we always start with holistic kinesiology testing, which can be much more sensitive for you. We check for the most common health barriers, which may be excluded from the tests a Beverly Hills allergist performs.

Natural allergist

What about food allergy treatment? A natural allergist would not prescribe drugs that mask the allergy symptoms. People diagnosed with asthma typically get a steroid inhalant prescription. That’s not the only way to treat asthma. A holistic approach looks at other factors contributing to asthma. Topical steroid treatment for eczema also has potential problems, such as TSW (topical steroid withdrawal). Wouldn’t it be best to get natural allergy treatment solutions?

Integrative Allergy Treatment near Beverly Hills

What is integrative allergy treatment? An integrative allergist looks at the different body systems involved with the allergy. Step by step, we use nutrition and natural remedies as the main treatment. Integrative allergy treatment doesn’t use drugs. Therefore, your individualized health optimization program is a natural process for rebuilding, detoxifying, and fortifying. It is also an alternative to toxic anti-allergy treatment.

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