What’s the true nature of why you have a chronic sore throat, or a chronic cough? To find out, if you’re in Los Angeles, we would need an in-person evaluation. Our evaluation looks for the potential underlying causes of your chronic cough, or sore throat. However, if you’ve had a sore throat for only about 1-3 days, you don’t need a phone consultation, or appointment. Do you want a natural remedies approach for how to cure your scratchy throat? Don’t call me. Just read this page instead. Reading this doesn’t cost you anything.

Chronic Cough, or Chronic Sore Throat natural remedies

A recent sore throat or scratchy throat is likely just a temporary condition. So, I’m not as concerned about it as I would be a chronic cough or lasting sore throat. Give it a few days. Without taking any conventional, common cold, over-the-counter chemical medicines, you will generally be fine anyway. There’s no need to call me and ask what you can do for your temporary scratchy throat.  Do you have a chronic cough that has lasted many weeks or months, and resisted other treatments? Definitely call today to request your appointment if you are coughing for many weeks. Temporary conditions like a cold don’t interest me so much. If that’s what you have, I have written the following for you instead.

Foods for a recent sore throat

You can eat black radish (we have organically grown Spanish Black Radish in pill form, which is the best). You could also eat garlic, or take our garlic pill. Why? Because its sulfur containing compounds are generally great for the tonsils and detoxifying or drainage. Unless you are allergic to garlic or onions (and many people are without even knowing it), use them. Onions contain a compound called quercetin which can help re-balance inflammation. Speaking of medicinal foods, add turmeric to whatever you are eating. Large amounts of turmeric can taste terrible, but if you are up to it, just add it to your food. The problem with turmeric is it’s very hard to absorb when used as a spice or eaten as a food. Turmeric is notorious for not being absorbed well.

The natural alternative to eating turmeric is taking it as a supplement. We have a specifically designed turmeric supplement that has absorption of over 20x turmeric powder. Turmeric-forte is a natural remedy that is highly absorbable!

We also have organic chlorella, which helps your body defend against upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) by supporting mucosal immunity. This means that it helps the passage-ways with a mucous lining, like your sinuses, throat, bronchial tubes, and gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin A is a key player for part of your immune system associated with mucosal immunity. I like our Cod Liver Oil capsules for supplementing vitamin A. Cod liver oil also contains natural vitamin D3 too.

We have a great herbal throat spray that’s really worth a try!

Even in Los Angeles, you should definitely consider getting extra vitamin D when you feel a sore throat coming-on. D3 is the active form of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 is a cheaper form of vitamin D that you don’t want to supplement to your diet. D2 is the kind put in “vitamin D milk.” I recently saw it in the ingredients of a coconut milk product at Trader Joe’s. What can you do, complain?

If you believe that you should not be taking extra vitamin D, then get out into the sun. Vitamin D is a key player in helping your immune system regulate itself. You don’t want to be low on something like that!

Echinacea is an amazing herb if you get the real, whole root extract we use. You know it’s the real deal because it makes your tongue tingle. Without the very noticeable tingle, there’s not enough of the most important part of echinacea. We have The Best Echinacea in the World, available in Beverly Hills. Leave it on your tongue for a few seconds and you will know! This authentic echinacea is best used daily, before you even have symptoms. If you take it at the very first nuance that you feel a scratchy throat, that’s all you should wait. Echinacea is not a cure for colds; it is preventive. It is a food, not a drug.

Don’t believe the myths about echinacea. You can, in fact, take it year round. Echinacea does not “stimulate” your immune system, and it is not necessary to “take a break” from its use. Those myths came from faulty research. Some people don’t do well with echinacea. We can determine if that’s your case during an appointment. We use an integrative testing method in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles.

Colds and Flu remedies

Oil of oregano (label says for oral consumption) is a top pick for upper respiratory issues. So, it could help a stuffed nose, scratchy throat, or congestion. You could put two little drops in some olive oil and swig it down. I originated this way of taking it, which is much easier than taking it in water! Taking it with water is not pleasant. Oregano oil is spicy! Alternatively, you can try making tea from the oregano in your cupboard. Put about a tablespoon in a cup of hot water and let it steep. Remember, oregano has a spiciness that you never expected, but, getting it past your throat can be helpful.

Oregano oil can also be used to clear out overpopulation of unfriendly bacteria in your gut or mouth. Keep this in mind. If you don’t want this effect on your gut flora, think twice about using this natural remedy. In this case, you could limit use for more than a two days in a row. Otherwise, it is a good a natural remedy for your temporary sore throat and cough.

Other supplements that could be helpful for immune system resilience are: Congaplex, Thymex, Immuplex, Cyruta-Plus, Epimune Complex, and Ganoderma-Shitake. These work best with proper guidance. To be sure what you need, come get yourself evaluated.

We carry specialized supplements that are not sold in regular stores. One of these is a probiotic with research-supported strains of lactic acid bacteria: ProSynbiotic.

We have an herbal supplement that breaks a persistent cough, but we don’t recommend it by phone, without an evaluation. We know when to use these via our detailed initial consultation, exam and in-office kinesiology testing. Make your appointment for personal guidance of what you need, but don’t call just to talk about your sore throat.

Foods to avoid with a sore throat

Through years of experience, I see that about 50 percent of sore throat, or persistent cough can be from toxicity. Generally, you would be better off avoiding milk products at this time. I might also suggest avoiding bread, or pasta. Some people will need to avoid sugar that is added to any food product. White sugar, brown sugar, cane sugar, and high fructose corn syrup are all part of this food category. Some people need to avoid egg whites. The old myth of an egg-white omelet being healthful is an outgrowth of misinformation about lowering cholesterol. The myth was started by those who know very little about nutrition.

Avoid junk fats. These include any hydrogenated oil at all. Avoid partially hydrogenated oils, brominated vegetable oil, any highly heated oil, and any soy oil. Why is soy oil so bad? Soy oil has been heated to over 500 degrees during its processing. After that, it is no longer a food. Soy and canola oils are largely from genetically modified organisms. Genetically mutated organisms have never been tested for long-term effects on people, yet they are already in our food chain. Avoid GMOs like a lit stick of dynamite on your plate!

The best way to know what you need to avoid or take is to get our evaluation. Otherwise, trial and error takes a lot of time.

If you have an unresponsive chronic sore throat, or chronic cough, then contact me for your appointment. Let’s start a detailed investigation into the possible multiple causes of your condition. We will systematically address the potential causes of why your sore throat, or cough persists the way it does. Possibilities could include anything from toxic exposure in Los Angeles, to immune system challenges, or autoimmunity.

Call for your appointment. 310-282-8882.

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