Why is safe treatment for cancer still out of reach, despite multi-billions in donations year after year to cancer research? Think of the telethons, where billions of dollars are donated to medical research, but still, the result is no cure. With cancer research, each year we are promised that the cure is right around the corner. We’re told to keep donating more, because we’re so close. Their promises have lost all credibility.
Why cancer research is racing in the wrong direction
What good is all the “racing for the cure” when they keep racing in the same, wrong direction? A new breast cancer treatment? Really? Or is it just racing for the donations? For over 50 years, the focus of cancer research is still the same: what drug would kill it the best? Nothing has changed. Did you know that the expression “for the cure,” has a trademark so that other business can use it? Isn’t that because running for the cure, the race for the cure, cancer treatment and cancer fundraising are huge businesses?
No Safe Cancer Treatment
So, still no safe treatment for cancer. Why? Because the cancer research dollars are continuously being misdirected to bogus, same-as-always pharmaceutical cancer treatment research. The direction of cancer research depends on the belief systems of the people controlling the cancer research money and grants. Research project funding does not follow the wishes of the people donating money.
So, when you donate with hope, they control who gets the money. It never goes to any truly alternative cancer research. Alternative cancer research, for example into metabolic therapy, goes unfunded. Applications for Alternative cancer treatment grants are not granted.
“For-profit medicines are favored to almost the total exclusion of non-profit medicines” – Dr. Pierre Cory, M.D.
Basics of cancer research
Research always starts with a question we want to answer. The research is to help with answering the question. But when the research starts by asking the wrong questions about cancer, we get decades of the wrong research. Treat the wrong problem, get the wrong results. “What is the best drug for cancer?” That is the wrong question about cancer. So, because no one is bold enough to ask the right question about cancer, all the research money goes in the wrong direction. It’s a misdirection of money, without a care for the hopes and dreams of the afflicted.
“Chemotherapy and radiotherapy has become a very complex, highly sophisticated science, and perhaps the most advanced science in modern technology involving something that doesn’t work.” – Dr. Sam Chacoua, MD […although with lymphomas and leukemias we’ve made advances]. “By and large, for cancers that are solid and have spread throughout the body, the ability of chemotherapy to extend lifespan, now, as opposed to 50 years ago, hasn’t changed.”
Is it safe?
Imagine if there were a TV news story about people in Los Angeles who were dying. Later, there was an announcement at a press conference that they all died of digestive tracts that were “not safe.” Activists with the loudest yappers and just a little knowledge (a dangerous thing) demand “treatment now!” and things seem scary. A drug company who was already developing a new drug to treat this unknown condition, coins a new diagnosis: “HBOC.” They would even get “fast-track approval” by the FDA for their new treatment. All to no avail because the new treatment would kill people too. However, the blame for those deaths would go to the new “epidemic” and not enough of the new treatment available. The blame for the deaths would not rightly go to the treatment itself.
Bigger campaigns would get funding and you would hear cries for more treatments on TV. Why? Because “reports” say the problem is getting worse, and the answer could be right around the corner! Soon you would have the war on hereditary bowel onerous condition: “HBOC.” Next: a race for the cure in a town near you.
So let me ask you: How do YOU keep your digestive tract safe? What is your answer? Are you taking the new treatment to keep your digestive tract safe? The correct answer is: “Wake up! Those are the wrong questions!” The original premise is nonsense! The original concept (sanitarism) was brought to you at a press conference (not in a scientific paper) by a drug company with a product to sell. They harnessed the power of the “news” to sell the idea. But asking the wrong questions over and over drives the momentum of the misinformation, especially through the hysterical news media, until even you believe it yourself.
Domino Effect: wrong question > wrong cancer research > wrong treatments > terrible results
Do you see how this works? There is no such thing as HBOC or whatever they want to call it. The treatment approach and the treatment were killing all those people. Wrong question, wrong focus, misguided research, wrong cures: cures that fail and cures that kill. (I originally wrote this in 2011. Surely you see how this type of scenario has already come to fruition, don’t you?)
Now that you can see by example how this can take hold, let’s get back to the original questions that no one seems to be able to answer, despite trillions of dollars of cancer research money. These questions always start with the idea: “What is the best way to destroy cancer?” You have to kill it, right? How do you kill it enough, before killing the person with it?
Alternative cancer research is needed
Destroying cancer with poisons is an old concept that largely hasn’t worked! Over fifty years of misdirected cancer research has failed us because no one has challenged the initial flawed concept of poisoning cancer. It’s time to wake up. Cancer research needs a new direction. We need alternative cancer research.
Now you know how cancer research and cancer treatment today are out of order. This is the truth about cancer research. Very few people go for an alternative second opinion. Additional options with cancer treatment plans, or metabolic therapy are rare. A supportive alternative plan, or something like a naturopathic cancer treatment / complementary alternative integrative cancer plan is not mainstream. The three-sided conventional cancer treatment “box” of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation traps cancer patients.
Alternative cancer adjuncts to treatment in Los Angeles?
Only a cancer doctor can “treat cancer.” We definitely don’t “treat cancer,” but this game of semantics is part of the problem. What’s wrong with guiding a patient to do healthful things impacting their level of health when they also have cancer? Call us today for a brief telephone consultation, or an appointment.