Have you seen any recent articles about additional options with cancer treatment? There’s usually an “alternative cancer treatment” article that pops-up every so often. I read another one in that category, titled “Curing cancer: Nobel laureate Hershko on whether it’s possible.” Does that title interest you? Is it because you are searching for alternative options to beat cancer, like adding natural remedies to your cancer treatment?
The problem with alternative cancer treatment is you can’t easily find a licensed professional to help you walk that road. Yet, if you want to walk that road, it is necessary to have thoughtful, professional help. That kind of help is very difficult to find because the doctors have fear to go there. In your search for alternatives with cancer treatment, first you have to find one of those alternative cancer articles somewhere. Then, you have to try to track down someone who has an alternative idea about beating cancer. I hope my commentary about the Dr. Hershko article is helpful for you (excerpts from the article are in italics, below).
“There are thousands of different kinds of cancer, and just one kind, breast cancer, can be triggered by 15 different causes,” Hershko said.
You can easily misunderstand the above text when it is out of context. In such an article about “curing cancer,” it is difficult for the reporter to get all the useful details into the article. I’ll discuss this below, but first I wanted to discuss a brief meeting I had in 2012.
I Met With A Top Cancer Researcher, Here’s What I Learned:
In 2012, Professor Yoav Henis was in Los Angeles on behalf of the Israel Cancer Research Fund (ICRF). I got a chance to ask him a few questions after his presentation. He is brilliant, and it was a unique opportunity for me to speak directly with a primary cancer researcher. He studies the mechanism of cancer neo-genesis; how cancer develops in the first place.
I said when I discuss cancer with my patients, I say it needs more than one thing “out-of place” before it can manifest. I tell them it’s like a combination lock that has three numbers. Two are not enough to open it, and the combination has to be in the correct order. His reply was “exactly.” And he continued: “but in humans the minimum number would be 4 things. Mice can have 3 [things “out of place” for cancer to develop], but in humans it must be a minimum of 4.”
That’s an important, clarifying, and insight-producing statement. So, now, reviewing the Dr. Hershko interview article, I understand what was missing from the reporter’s words. My addition in bold, follows, after the quote:
“Breast cancer can be triggered by 15 different causes,” but there must be at least 4 destructive factors present before cancer gets triggered.
Four Simultaneous Destructive factors
Do you understand this critical point? For a cell to become cancerous, there must be at least 4 destructive factors present. The last one is the trigger. This is HUGE! Those 4 things could be irritation, toxic load, inflammation, and some other factor. In the Dr. Hershko article, he didn’t say breast cancer has 15 “causes,” he said it can be “triggered.” There’s a difference. A destructive condition must be present first. There still would have to be at least 3 other factors present for any additional trigger to manifest as cancer.
90% of Americans Believe Cancer is Caused by Cancer Genes (1) when, in fact, only 3-5% of Cancers are considered “strongly hereditary” (2)
Taking my conversation with Professor Henis further, I asked: if I were able to therapeutically decrease the toxic load of a patient through clinical nutrition, and if the toxic load were one of those 4 factors necessary for cancer to exist, would I be potentially helping the patient with cancer?
His answer: “Absolutely.”
To hear this straight from a top cancer researcher was inspiring to me. I see this as a true message of hope. Do you get my point? Maybe we don’t necessarily have to “cure,” or “kill” cancer. I will address this concept, below.
It was an honor to speak with Dr. Henis. I am thankful for the ICRF to have brought Professor Henis, of Tel-Aviv University, to Los Angeles in 2012.
Back to my commentary on the original article:
Hershko is quite skeptical of claims and expectations of a “cure” for cancer. To achieve that, he says, “We must remove every cancer cell in a patient’s body. If only one remains, it can grow and proliferate again.”
This is not what you think. This “one cancer cell” concept is always interpreted the wrong way, so let’s take this apart.
Understand Why You Have Additional Options with Cancer
When a reporter interviews a researcher, like Dr. Hershko, you may end-up with the reporter’s level of understanding. The “one cancer cell” concept is perceived as one cell producing cancer proliferation. No, that is a misinterpretation. That concept only applies for a strictly theoretical case requiring an already cancer-producing body. It’s when only “cancer treatment” is killing cancer cells, in a body that is still cancer-producing. All the necessary destructive factors for cancer (all 4 of them) would still have to be present, without any change. One cell does not cause cancer if it were present, unless all the destructive factors for cancer were still present.
So now, the question is: can we deconstruct any of those destructive factors enough to no longer be cancer-producing? Cancer support requires skilled professional assistance. Do-it-yourself protocols are never insightful enough, or comprehensive enough for alternative cancer treatment options. Never!
Deconstructing Cancer
By reestablishing better function in 1 of the 4 destructive factors, the body has the potential to become tumor-free. One cancer cell wouldn’t matter when the body could neutralize that cell by its own regulatory systems (a drug-free process). Do you get it? All we have to do is deconstruct one pillar necessary for cancer to exist and it could come crumbling down.
The idea of killing cancer cells is the paradigm that has kept us decades behind in progress for cancer treatment. It is a 50 year old paradigm that largely doesn’t work, except for a few cancers like childhood leukemia. For that, reaching remission is at least a 50/50 chance.
Additional Options with Cancer Treatments
Fifty years of mostly failed cancer treatments show how the conventional goal to kill cancer (cancer treatment) has failed us. After all this time, maybe, we can finally see that cancer need only be taken apart; not killed! We may consider the functional medicine approach I use for my patients to be like a metabolic therapy. It is a supportive addition, or “adjunct” to conventional or alternative cancer treatment.
In 1969, Hershko started his research on how the body cleanses itself of unneeded and malfunctioning proteins, but his work was largely ignored or dismissed for the next 10 years.
Cleansing is the key, and this goes hand-in-hand with the idea of deconstructing an accumulated toxicity. So, Dr. Hershko is saying the same thing that I brought out earlier. Toxicity matters, and cleansing may be a path to a solution. Four destructive factors are necessary for a body to develop a tumor-producing-ability. If we never address even one of them, a “cure” for cancer is a fallacy.
Healing Happens
“People just weren’t interested in my research; they didn’t realize how important it was,” he said.
Yes. If a detoxifying system of your body were compromised, or “blocked” to some degree, this must be professionally addressed. When you follow the right directions with the right support, you take a huge step forward toward deconstructing cancer. However, without that support and direction it is like running up a never ending hill. The body should be able to do this job with the proper support and direction.
This is great news! It is the brightest news you could ever hear about “natural remedies to enhance cancer treatments” because it says we can take apart the mechanisms that put cancer together in the first place. Did you get that? It is not cancer treatment. We could never call this a “cancer treatment.” An integrative, adjunct cancer plan has the potential to help you, and without huge expenses and without powerful drugs. This is huge!
Don’t think that you could do this all by yourself
There are alternative-thinking doctors who can see the bigger picture of your total level of health. I’m one of them, and I’m bold enough to tell you.
Adjunct care is a type of complementary care, to support better healing and recovery, and potentially help you reach remission. The goal is reaching remission, not killing cancer cells. Could this be the answer to your prayers for speedy recovery?
Therefore, if this makes sense to you, you should contact my office today (Los Angeles area, in Beverly Hills). But in advance of your call let’s make it exceedingly clear: Adjunct cancer support is not for killing cancer cells. It is not a “substitute,” alternative cancer treatment. There is little or no published research on this. It does not use any harmful substances and it is not a cure. It is also not passive care, and it requires your own effort to follow my directions and be successful.
Let’s get started! Make your appointment, below.
1. American Institute for Cancer Research 24 Dec 2010
2. American Cancer Society: Global Cancer Facts & Figures 2013